This could be your first plane ride and you are excited about it. Here are some things that you should not do on an airplane.
Stay in your seat the whole flight

It is highly recommended that you stand up and walk around every few hours to prevent getting deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which is a type of blood clot that usually forms in your legs. Some people call it the “economy-class syndrome” due to the narrow legroom provided. Even if you are not able to move out to walk, you can raise your legs and stretch them on your seat. Please don’t take this lightly.
Don’t walk around barefoot

Do not walk around bare-footed on the airplane, especially in the bathroom. The vomit or blood spilled on the airplane carpet can never be thoroughly cleaned. Bathrooms are one of the places with the most gems and sometime you may even discover broken glass inside.
Don’t eat food after it’s fallen on the tray table

Similar to the floor, these trays may not be spotlessly cleaned by the airport crews.

Oh yes, I know you wash your hand after flashing the bathroom. Can you be sure that you have cleaned yourself thoroughly? It doesn’t take a lot to use a tissue and press the button with it. But it will save you a lot of effort by not getting ill from the gems.
Contact lens

Leave them inside your hand carrier or luggage. The air inside the aircraft can get very dry and it may irritate your eyes. Wear your glasses instead and resist the urge to rub your eyes. Remember to bring along some eyedrops.
Airline Blanket

Many people advocate not using the blanket provided by the airlines as it may not be laundered properly. It’s up to you to use it or not.
Don’t forget to stay hydrated

The air inside the aircraft is exceptionally dry. Ask for bottled water to hydrate yourselves as much as you can without having to head to the washroom too often. Stay away from Coffee and Tea if possible.

Yes, I know. It’s free!!! Where else can you get an unlimited supply of alcohol except on an airplane? However, alcohol could dehydrate you and make you feel miserable. One cup is equivalent to two or three on the ground. The worst is when you got drunk and lost control of your actions on board.
New medicine

Do not take any new medicine before or when going onboard. You may not know the effects of it and develop an allergy. Do it only when you have landed.
Don’t feel shy to tell a flight attendant you’re not feeling well

They have been trained to handle simple and small flight complaints. They should be able to make you more comfortable and get you to complete the flight. They could also call ahead and arranged medical assistance when you land. So please sound out to them if needed.
Don’t recline your seat during take-off and landing, or meal service

This may sound common sense. But I’ve seen a lot of people doing just that without due consideration to the person sitting behind them. For safety reasons, seats are to be upright during takeoff and landing.
Don’t stand up immediately when the flight lands.

Don’t stand up immediately as the airplane lands. The plane is still in motion and you may fall over. In addition, opening the overhead compartment when the plane is moving may cause the items to fall onto someone. Remain in your seat until the pilot has parked the plane and removed the seatbelt sign.
Follow the instructions of the flight crew and move off in an orderly manner. This will help to improve the disembarking process.
Along the way, as you take more flights, more lessons will be learned. Remember to be considerate to your co-passengers and you should have a great flight ahead of you.